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- StorConsult Broschüre Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
- StorConsult Broschüre Firmenprofil von A bis Z
- Folle, S.; Rolfs, O.: Gravimeter yields rock densitiy for cavern during operations; Oil & Gas Journal Jan. 22, 1996
- Folle, S.: Middle East Salt Deposits - Distribution and Potential Use; SMRI Spring Meeting Brussels, 30.04.-03.05.2006
- Rolfs, O; Schmidt, U.; Zapke, M.: The Planning of a Gas Storage Facility - Basis for an Investment Decision; SMRI Fall Meeting Rapid City, 01.-04.10.2006
- Schmidt, U.: Endverwahrung von Speicherkavernen im Salzgebirge, Erdöl Erdgas Kohle 122. Jg. 2006, Heft 11
- Folle, S.: Special Features in Exploration and Interpretation of Salt Structures, SMRI Fall Meeting Halifax, 08.10.-09.10.2007
- Folle, S.: Salzstrukruren - Exploration und Grenzen der Interpretation, Z. geol. Wiss., Berlin 36 (2008) 4-5: 321-333, 9 Abb.
- Folle S.: Presentations of Salt Structures and Considerations about their Genesis as a Basis for the Evaluation of their Economical Use, SMRI Spring Meeting Grand Junction, 26.04.-27.04.2010